Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

Free Banking

8 stories

An early American artisan at work at Old Sturbridge Village Road
Old New England building, perhaps a meeting house
A man in a dark room holding a lantern out seeking knowledge
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

Natural Experiments

4 stories

A sunset picture of the large statues on Easter Island
a neon sign saying Personal Banking
An aerial view of a small Pacific island
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

Capitalism vs Socialism: What Does the Bible Have to Say

13 stories

A darkened room lit by a little outside light showing a portrait of Vladmir Lenin
Picture of the top of a building with multiple surveillance cameras
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

Virtues Abounding

8 stories

Wall decor little boy silhouette on left and girl on right with colored hearts flowing between above “We’re all in this together”
A scrapbook page with faith, hope, and love pasted on it along with pictures of leaves and a quote from 1 Corinthians, do everything in love
Stained glass window depicting virtues including temperance
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

Why We Bite the Invisible Hand

34 stories

A snarling tasmanian devil
Bill and Melinda Gates given flowers for their meeting with Indian transportation officials
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

Microeconomics in Real Life

9 stories

Map of the world with many different currencies scattered around
A hand-written sign in a store front saying we are now closed
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

1913 Turning Points from Freedom

13 stories

POV of sitting on a couch binge watching Netflix
A path in the forest that splits into two — which to take?
A woman looking at graffiti message on a wall that says, Freedom
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

"Bourgeois Equality" Chapter by Chapter

64 stories

An old general store from mid century America
entangled roots of a mangrove
A woman reading a book titled Profit First, about how to make a small business succeed
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

Sustainable Agriculture

4 stories

an old picture of a steam engine train on a rickety old bridge
bucolic picture of pastures with cows
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

Issues in Macroeconomics

5 stories

oil rig at sunset
A Chinese freighter loaded with cargo facing a US freighter loaded with cargo
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

Exploring Better Ways to Teach

10 stories

A student falling asleep studying
oversleeping student
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD


4 stories

a group of men and women around a table working math problems
looking upward to 2 skyscrapers
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

Economic Thought

11 stories

A pair of hands in a prayer position on an open bible
Greek ruins
Ellen Clardy, PhD

Ellen Clardy, PhD

Professor of Economics at Houston Christian University since 2010 — If you'd like to read more, click to Follow, Join the email list, or Tip. Thank you!