InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDIf You Bite the Invisible Hand, It Will Bite BackA Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 18 “Conclusion: Still Spinning After All These Years”Nov 24, 20231Nov 24, 20231
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDPhilanthrocapitalism Pleases the Donors; Policies are Pushed onto the RecipientsPart 2 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 17 “Bill Gates and the Pitfalls of Philanthrocapitalism”Nov 18, 20231Nov 18, 20231
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDNo Need for Philanthrocapitalism, Serving Others’ Needs Is Already Built into CapitalismIn this chapter, Foster turns his attention to philanthrocapitalism. It is some combination of charity somehow wrapped up in capitalist…Nov 11, 20231Nov 11, 20231
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDUsing a Green Wrapper and Moralistic Hyperbole to Cover Anti-CapitalismA Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 16 “The Greenest Businessman in America”Nov 3, 2023Nov 3, 2023
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDCorporate Social Responsibility Is IrresponsiblePart 2 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 15 “Global Salvationism”Oct 28, 20232Oct 28, 20232
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDBeyond Good Intentions: We Need to Be Saved from the Saviors of Global SalvationismPart 1 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 15 “Global Salvationism”Oct 21, 2023Oct 21, 2023
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDThe Economic Denialism Built into Climate ChangeA Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 14 “Moral Climate”Oct 14, 2023Oct 14, 2023
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDThe Deep, Dark Roots of Politics: Using Others to Help OurselvesA Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 13 “The Chimpanzee in the Room: Darwinian Politics”Oct 6, 20231Oct 6, 20231
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDEconomic Statistics Boost the Illusion of ControlPart 3 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 12 “Homer Economicus”Sep 29, 20231Sep 29, 20231
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDDo We Want the Government Nudging Us?Part 2 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 12 “Homer Economicus”Sep 23, 20233Sep 23, 20233
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDBehavioral Economics: Correcting a Problem Economics Does Not HavePart 1 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 12 “Homer Economicus”Sep 15, 20231Sep 15, 20231
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDThe Subconscious Source of Morality Is Driving the Culture WarsPart 2 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 11 “The Darwin Wars”Sep 8, 2023Sep 8, 2023
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDSociobiology’s Unity Blinded Its ProgressPart 1 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 11 “The Darwin Wars”Sep 1, 20231Sep 1, 20231
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDKeynesianism: Regulating the Free Market to DeathPart 3 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 10 “The Rise and Fall and Rise of John Maynard Keynes”Aug 26, 20232Aug 26, 20232
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDKeynesianism: Why We Think We Can Spend Our Way Out of a RecessionPart 2 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 10 “The Rise and Fall and Rise of John Maynard Keynes”Aug 18, 2023Aug 18, 2023
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDKeynesianism: The Appeal of a Theory that Empowers ExpertsPart 1 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 10 “The Rise and Fall and Rise of John Maynard Keynes”Aug 11, 2023Aug 11, 2023
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDFree Market Economics Requires Trusting What You Cannot SeePart 2 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 9 “The Invisible Metaphor”Aug 5, 20233Aug 5, 20233
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDThe Problems We Cause Ourselves from Few Seeing the Invisible HandPart 1 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 9 “The Invisible Metaphor”Jul 28, 20231Jul 28, 20231
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDZero Sum Bias: How Malthusian Thinking Hinders Economic ProgressPart 3 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 8 “Do-It-Yourself Economics”Jul 21, 20231Jul 21, 20231
InILLUMINATIONbyEllen Clardy, PhDThe Need to Unlearn What We “Know” about EconomicsPart 2 of a Discussion of Peter Foster’s Why We Bite the Invisible Hand Chapter 8 “Do-It-Yourself Economics”Jul 14, 2023Jul 14, 2023